My code is working fine in 513.1542 but a player reported this error, which we eventually narrowed down to them using a beta build for byond. I was able to replicate the issue myself, curious why this might be happening. Cant seem to locate where the change is from the update notes on the beta.

Seems like the winget command is breaking. Im not sure why...


if(!client) return


if(winget(src, "", "right") == "dedit_trunk")

var/decknum = 0
for(var/obj/decks/O in trunk)

O.overlays = null

if(O.isopen) O.overlays += /obj/deckicos/open

src << output(O, "dedit_trunk.decks:[++decknum]")

winset(src, "dedit_trunk.decks", "cells=[decknum]")
winset(src, "dedit_trunk.dlimit", {"text="[trunk.len]/[trunk_num]""})

This is part of my stat coding. It's for the player's deck editor in my game. It shows the player's saved decks in a box in the bottom right of a window that opens when they open the game's deck editor.

(The bottom right box is what this is dealing with)

Never had any issues with this in the past, but in the beta, the code is failing. It seems like the winget line is the failure point judging from the errors we're getting in dreamseeker...

winget: Element not found.
winget: Element not found.
winget: Element not found.
winget: Element not found.
winget: Element not found.
winget: Element not found.

will just keep spamming the messages window until the window is closed.

I thought maybe the player's skin file got corrupted or something, I had them delete it and redownload it, still had the same problem. I an several of my staff downloaded the beta client and we're having the exact same issue. Had to revert back to a stable release to resolve it.

Am I overlooking some change in the beta thats causing this?
In response to FKI
Probably not related, since that issue existed in 513 also.
In response to FKI
I'd need a test case to look into this.

However, under no circumstances should you have a winget() in Stat(). That is a very bad idea. Minimize your wingets as much as possible. You're better off having a skin command send an update to the server whenever the contents of that child control change.