Sep 15 2005, 11:13 am
Would you guys find AbyssDragon's (<3) graphics better than stickmen? =p
Sep 15 2005, 4:19 pm
My view on placeholders is that they should be bad. I have no trouble with this, because I possess no artistic talent and all the icons I make look horrid. If you put decent graphics into the game, they become less placeholders and players become attached to them (if they become attached to your game), making a later change harder.
In response to PirateHead
well since I am good at making icons I just say screw place holders and make all the final icons before the programming begins. This way there aren't any slowdowns at all to make any new icons or to modify them.
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
I r t3h best at making stickmen. My stickmen r 1337. Stickmen > Abyss' Iconz ( no offense <3 ). Go make some secksi stickmen you sexy hunk of a dawg.
In response to PirateHead
PirateHead wrote:
If you put decent graphics into the game, they become less placeholders and players become attached to them (if they become attached to your game), making a later change harder. He is right, no one misses bad, unrealistic graphics. Generally, people don't complain about changes to better graphics. Unless, it is a game such as SS13 where people have played with the tolerable graphics for so long, they don't want new ones. |
In response to Xeal
Xeal wrote:
I r t3h best at making stickmen. My stickmen r 1337. Stickmen > Abyss' Iconz ( no offense <3 ). Go make some secksi stickmen you sexy hunk of a dawg.why's your avatar throwing up? :P |
In response to RaditzX
RaditzX Wrote:
"Xeal wrote: I r t3h best at making stickmen. My stickmen r 1337. Stickmen > Abyss' Iconz ( no offense <3 ). Go make some secksi stickmen you sexy hunk of a dawg.why's your avatar throwing up? :P" I think its a tongue :P |
I do text mode for my place holder 'graphics.' I do this, because I like text mode, and generally try to have good text mode support. So, it's much easier to put text mode support in right at the start of development, than it is to try and add it later.
Unfortunatly, there are some games that cannot use text mode, like if your interface depends on pixel offsets. |