Well I've been working on this game off and on for what seems like years, and what it comes down to is people hate losing their cities in the game due to a wipe, or from combat...
But then people love the aspect as well that you can be "better" then someone else because of time investment, yet I'm still feeling the desire to pull towards a more civilization approach where you can sit down with a set group of people (lets say 5, or 10) and play the game out in one session, instead of the world lasting over a few weeks of play.
Anyways, what do you think? A longer game play or shorter? What do you think are the benefits of each?
Also, the bugs in the game now are there and staying for a small while... I have it all planned out where once I get the concept decided, and add in all the content... then I will start fixing bugs and investing all my time towards polishing. So don't say anything about them :) *cough*
Apr 6 2005, 12:50 pm