Particles now have a fade_in parameter.
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (514.1545)

This issue has been resolved.
A setting for particles to let them fade in, it would work exactly the same as the current fade setting, but on the front end of the particles' lifecycle

+1 for this
It would be nice if we could leveraging different easings as well, so we don't have to only use linear fade in or out.
Some way to pass parameters for animate() at the various points of their lifecycle might be nice
+1, this is actually super necessary
+1 This would be extremely helpful.

Suggested format: a two item list and negatives could do it.

Fade = 10 // fades out over 10 ticks
Fade = -10 // fades in over 10 ticks
Fade = list(10,10) //Fades in over 10 ticks then Fades out over 10 ticks

The first and third options working together would be enough but a negative for the fade-in would be neat.
This was implemented, but WHEN
Seemingly in 514.1545?
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Particles now have a fade_in parameter.