Out of all the philosophies ever created on BYOND, which do you think is the most helpful? The philosphy that can apply to any game genre.
poot teh p bags n teh gaem 4 a supar l33t game!1!!!11!11
When in doubt, consult the reference.
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Out of all the philosophies ever created on BYOND, which do you think is the most helpful? The philosphy that can apply to any game genre.

That's not how 'philosophy' works.

Read the threads on this forum, then take your philosophy and go with it. It's all about thinking, mah man! Think.
The purpose of a game is to be fun.

And always remember the implicit smileys rule! (Except that's more like forum philosophy... if you have no idea what I'm talking about here, searching the forums for "implicit smileys" will help.)
In response to SSJ Radditz
Players suck! ;-)

Heh, wait a second...
In response to Jmurph
Jmurph wrote:
Players suck! ;-)

True dat! =)

No matter how hard you work, no matter how much you put into your *FREE* game, players will ALWAYS yell at you. If you take a well-deserved break, they'll demand to know why your life doesn't consist only of creating free games for them to play.

It's enough to make a guy stop making games altogether.
In response to SSJ Radditz
....exactly what are you trying to say?