What do you guys think is the best possible type of hud menu (that is easily doable on byond)... Take into account my game has 20 or so clickable on screen icons...

If you know of a game that has a cool hud set up or whatever, please post here so I can go check it out :)

I'm up for any ideas... I know a bunch of ways to do a hud I just want to make sure I haven't missed something :)
You mean HUD menu, right?

Well, um, you can duplicate a lot of functions by having different actions do different things. Say, if you have your character's items on the HUD, you could click to equip/unequip them, drag them onto the ground to drop them, and drag them into your inventory to pick them up, rather than having buttons for those.

If you have things like a list of spells or other actions to perform, a roll-out with the less commonly used ones would make sense. Putting the more useful ones directly on the HUD is a good idea though. Especially if you can allow the user to customise which actions are put on the main bit.

Apart from that, it's hard to know what to say without knowing more about the game. Is it that strategy game you were talking about before?
In response to Crispy
that is true you can duplicate a lot but to a certain point no one wants to go through a whole bunch of text boxes, especially for something that is frequented often.

Yes it is for the strategy game I've been making (I'm redoing it) and I need a new, sleeker, professional looking set up idea :)
In response to Jon Snow
I wasn't meaning text boxes so much, but yeah.

What controls are there in the game, anyway? Moving armies? Attacking? Any resource/building management?
I like the way SimCity 2000 does it, with a list of building types of the side, and when you click on one, a list of buildings of that type pops up. Basically an expanding menu, but its nice and clean.
In response to Crispy
the city itself is all about city management... from managing farms to the market place, to just about anything you can think of lol...

then if you're in your general unit, then there's a whole bunch for commanding armies, quick casts, and so on.
In response to Jon Snow
I agree with Foomer there, an expandable menu system would be nice, perhaps you could have tabs above a basic output hud at the bottom, that pop or scroll up to reveal commands for various tasks and such. The old Zelda method of scrolling to a subscreen is nice too.

In response to Xooxer
One way is to make it on the browser using html buttons, for like researching technologies like farming, you would put in the amount of points you wanted into a form and click "Research Farming for $[X]/point". You can also include information about each thing underneath it, e.g.:
<font size =3>Buy Units:</font>
Recruit Beast($15000/each)
[_Type_Amount_Here_] [OK]
The cookie monster ain't got nothing on this.

Recruit Cookie Monster($1500/each)
[_Type_Amount_Here_] [OK]
The beast ain't got nothing on this.

<font size =3>Research Technologies:</font>
Reseach Spies($1000/point)
[_Type_Amount_Here_] [OK]
Spies are sneaky. Spies can information about stuff that you need to know about. Ummmm... WEEEE!!!!!

Reseach Farming($100/point)
[_Type_Amount_Here_] [OK]
Farming is a way to get lots of food. It is very important if you eat.

<font size =3>Market:</font>
Buy Food($10/point)
[_Type_Amount_Here_] [OK]
Your too lazy to improve your farming, eh?
This may work out well, keeping the screen uncluttered and allowing the player to switch away from and to the browser instantly.

In response to EGUY
ya I guess I could look into html... I just wanted to stay towards a more graphical in game approach...
Hmm. We'll see what I decide...

The expanding menus I "SORT OF" have now... so we'll see where I go with this :P