Applies to:Website
Status: Open

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I think it would be valuable to allow hubs different types of monetization, even if they're little more than a change on what the customer sees. Currently it only allows us to add a "Subscribe" button. I think it'd be nice to see a "Purchase" option as well, which would essentially just grant the Key a lifetime subscription.

Easy peasy?

Obviously not the most graceful solution, but I think that it'd be relatively lightweight compared to doing a bunch of extra work in the hub stuff, right?
+1 Would be awesome to have more options.

10/10 can't wait to buy Minecraft on the BYOND marketplace xD
This is really needed, and it's best for both developers and the BYOND site.

Currently there's no practical way to 'distribute' a paid game through BYOND, it's not really feasible as a serious endeavour; the game hub becomes relegated to a lookup server, and the forums/website become engine tech-support instead of part of the game's greater community.

Similar arrangements on Steam give Valve a 30% cut on sales, so I imagine developers willing to give back could offer something akin - just as currently happens with subscriptions.

Lummox has been doing a lotta great stuff for DM and we want to be able to effectively cut BYOND in on any vague notion of success we might have.

And no, a 'Subscribe' button isn't a valid alternative, it sets totally the wrong image for the consumer.
Pulling this one out of the heap as well. With Kinfolk targetting a release on Steam, it would be great to not only have a home here as well, but it would mean that the cut that steam takes wouldn't be a factor, and that choco milk money would go into the engine's pockets

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