first thanks alot for everyone who have been supporting Azusa up to now, and its time to announce the revival strategies for the game;
It will be an order of fearless changes to the game that will improve most of the commonly flaws seen in this last 2 years of linear story progression we had in this amazing wipe; But I won't move on without knowing the most popular path to take, as this will strongly affect everyone and I really respect the players that still are playing the game and creating amazing roleplays and characters to the story; Keep that inmind that players who have been playing recently will have their vote weighted and will be more considered.
(So keep in mind the direct result here may not be the final result!)
I will try to explain our options; starting with the main change that will be in every option is the change on ARMOR RATING, the game have some settings that affect globally, for example year speed, catch up rate, etc but, this new one will define how much of potential every armors will give, so, if everyone is too strong in the server, we can increase the armor rating and this way keep them on the center lore of the story, regardless of the grind, a god armor will always be scary now, and a golden armor will always be relevant.
Credits/Patreon perks for the game will be reviewed for an overall balancement and everyone's (patreons included) benefit, so we can really have a way better experience.
All old lore will be scratched out, the lore was cool for reading and extra content but they didnt really helped the real rp to move, actually ended up acting more like a weight, so the reviewed lore should be VERY simple, as "Olympian gods fighting for destiny on earth gets mortal body to interact directly with mortals in wars called Azusa".
With that said what we know as Karma bounds are also nearly removed, and gods only obligation with the lore is to fit each other's basic rank duty/god will (explained at character picking); Reapers will be able to kill off PART of their good side, or their good side entirely, it's up to the player. When a reaper is on earth or in Olympo, their power will be weakened kind of like how someone without 8th is weakened in the underworld.
Karma changes also imply that Angels/demons/reapers/gods are able to march their own path. Hades and Athena could ally with one another in a war. Zeus and Hades could partner up to take down Athena or Poseidon, it's entirely up to the players. Keep in mind the Gods of that generation are representation on that specific Azusa; they are up to adapt to the situations going on as long as they dont break their rank duty.
What does this mean for the normal player? This means that if the normal player who doesn't hold a god rank doesn't like what their patron god is doing, they are able to turn against their gods and even declare war against them. Angels, don't like how pushy Zeus is being? You can turn against him. Demons, don't like how Hades just orders you around while hiding in the underworld? You can rise up against him.
Custom Gods will continue being a thing, however main change on them is that now they must be based on greek gods only;
God Vessels: As soon as a god dies, or is abandoned, you no longer have to wait 300 years to get a new god. This process can happen as soon as a new vessel is located (through trials) The vessels however, will have to develop their character to BECOME the god, this means that a vessel can fail and a new one will need to be selected. This includes following the gods will, and obtaining their kamui.
Year speed: With the revival update, the year speed will be much slower. Almost 10x slower than what it has been in the past. This opens more time for character development, and slows down generation farming.
Beastlian change: Beastlian are no longer just related to wolfs. They can be related to anything other than Dragons (Those are draklian only) This includes things found in greek mythology such as Satyrs and other nature spirits.(There will be some default choices, and an option for custom options upon approval)
Training change: When you are in a realm you are not supposed to be in, such as a reaper/spiritual (without vassel) on earth, a living person (without 8th) in underworld, or sealed in a statue, you will be able to gain stats, but it will be at 1/10th the normal rate.
The votes options will be applied through the game's discord #announcement channel! so join:
The Brazillian server is back?The Patreon System still gives all the cool races, relics and perks for a bunch of dolars?(The perks will change, i read it, just talking about the old times)...i dont know, i payed the game full price on Steam and still need to pay more to have acess to all the game can offer, of course, i can get a rare race by chance, a relic by merit and a perk by luck, but think with me, Patreons really need that much of advantages?
The game breaking bugs are all gone?All this kinds of training methods who in the end are just more of the same. Always bringing new things but never fixing the old errors made Azusa look like a bad patchwork after sometime...and the secret for sucess is to fix that.