I any of you guys have browsed the Newbie Central forum lately, you'll have seen at least one of my many questions regarding the results of the learning curve of using BYOND. Despite looking at tutorials, I still run into hordes of problems.
Anyway, I want to announce what I intend to make, plus take in any feedback you guys have. I first intended to make a menu-based RPG using FF1 sprites (so I wouldn't have to design graphics, plus many people love the retro-ness of 8-bit characters). That's where the resemblance ends, however. The stats will be all my own design, the weapon/armour system will be all my own design, and the worlds will be all made my me (again, using 8-bit icons).
I finally decided to use many of the sprites from Final Fantasy 3 Japanese (NES), because they just look so much cooler than FF1, yet retain the 8-bit look.
For weapons, there will be fighter weapons (axe, sword, katana) and mage weapons (mallet, staff, rod, dagger, bow). For the fighter weapons, generally the stronger the weapon is, the heavier it is, and agility will actually REALLY matter in this game. So far I have Soldier and Pirate (Solider is like a Knight who has little agility and high strength, Pirate is a thief with high agility and decent attack), and Holy Mage and Dark Mage (think White and Black mages). A fighter class can use any weapon, but mages can use only mage weapons. Daggers are really weak but have no weight, the rod uses MP for decent attacks, the bow uses Gold for strong mage attacks (like in Zelda 1), the mallet is kinda heavy but strong for a mage, and the staff improves intellect, but has some weight and little attack. With this kind of weapon versatility (and the same going for armour), you can build any two characters you want using two initial classes.
Also, I plan to have the magic spells more than just Fir1/2/3, Lit1/2/3, Cur1/2/3, etc etc etc. I want a wide range of spells, sorta like in Magic: The Gathering (well, not THAT wide).
Last, but not least, I'm going to make the worlds pretty big with multiple tasks in each one so you're not on a linear path all the time uselessly levelling up.
Whatcha think? Anything you'd like to add?
![]() Sep 14 2003, 3:53 pm
Looks like you've put a lot of thought into this, I hope it works out for you. Good luck!
Here is my problem with it:
It seems that more and more so called "fan games" these days are made by people who are too lazy to make their own graphics. You are using the graphics for no really great reason. You are mixing ideas from so many different things, it's not going to make any sense if you are trying to call it a fan game. When I made Proelium, I heavily based it off of Team Fortress Classic and Diablo. I made it because I was a fan of both games. It's not a fan game, but it was inspired by games that I am a fan of. Don't take the lazy, common, over travelled route to failure. Let the things that you are a fan of inspire you to make something original, and for the sake of all that is holy in this world: use your own graphics. I don't think that I can stand logging into another pokemon game that uses a mix of final fantasy and dragon warrior graphics. |
We'll, i'm not exactly "all for it" for once. I have to agree with SilkWizard here (wow, thats a first!), and to say "THERE IS ENOUGH FAN GAMES AS IT IS!". Now, i'm not dissing any game out there, but I truely think that the BYOND community has enough of this "RPG Craze". I mean, look at the insanity... "Dragon Warrior Online", "Dragon Warrior Quest", "Final Fantasy Legacy".. and then theres all those other games that are still availible in the .Unpublished section of BYOND. Bottom line, if you are truely an FF1 - FF3 fan, I suggest you play "FF - The Hunting Grounds", or even perhaps "Final Fantasy Online". I don't wish to crush your hopes and dreams, but, I think I speak for the community on this one.
for your information, if you happen to be including me in your fan-game-dissing-fun then exclude me...because im not making a fan game..my game is totally original...jerks..psch
Calm down, calm down! I read his post, and I didn't even read your name in it!
Everybody hold hands, close your eyes, and breath... ~GokuSS4Neo~ |
-grabs a stick and growls at the two for including him- ....grr.they didnt have to name names..i know what they think! -goes insane and kills random people that walk by his house- >.>;;;;;;
might as well stop this post from continuing, mr.mods ^^; |
Hey, if you don't like fan games, don't play them. At least I'm not leaving my unfinished game on the hub to take up space or anything.
I thank you all for the input (even you, Silk Wizard; I actually will try and improve the graphics after everything starts working). FWI, I happen to like online FF/Dragon Warrior games, but not everyone has to. I'm not taking anything other than the basic premise from Final Fantasy. You know, explore the world, fight monsters, party up, etc etc etc. Only now, I'm going to strive to stay away from endless levelling-up. All the maps will be original creations. I even have good ideas for different spells. I'm no artist, and I like the retro 8-bit graphics, so call me lazy in that respect (for now, anyway). But this will be no half-assed game, and I'm NOT publishing this game until it's ready to be fully tested online (ie the battle system is functional, the first two or three worlds are done, etc). It's been taking me a long time already for this game, but I'm not quitting any time in the near future. |
nehhhh...everyones copying my ideas for the layout of the testing of my game! ..damn universal mind reading..things..-mutters-
I'm glad to know that you are devoted to putting time and effort into your game. It sounds like it should be a lot of fun.
Just from the standpoint of a person who plays BYOND games, I still recommend that you don't use final fantasy graphics if you aren't making an FF game, even for a little while. If you really like 8 bit graphics, then try and create your own. Part of creating a game is also making the graphics, something that a lot of developers are ignoring these days. |
I'm glad to know that you are devoted to putting time and >effort into your game. It sounds like it should be a lot >of fun. Thanks, Silk! ^^ Actually, FF graphics would fit with this game for now because the game will play quite FF-ish, but will have some innovations which I think FF badly needs. Once my game goes out on the hub for testing, and perhaps one day fully published, I'll try and find someone to do graphics for me, because, quite frankly, I'm hopeless with graphics (I even had trouble designing some of the 8-bit weapons for god's sake!). I just don't want graphics to be the only thing from stopping me from programming, which is something I love to do (also why I REFUSE to make a rip). |
Lionel_Hutz wrote:
Once my game goes out on the hub for testing, and perhaps one day fully published, I'll try and find someone to do graphics for me, because, quite frankly, I'm hopeless with graphics Using FF graphics for testing purposes is all well and good, but I strongly suggest you get someone to make you some icons. It's as easy as posting in Classified Ads! Hell, if I could draw I'd do some for you. |
[edit]exluding the fangame partp[/edit]