idea 1: it's like a walk-around-and-get-into-random-fights, and when you get into a fight, you can move around a certain number of tiles depending on your agility, and if you reach the monster, you attack...


idea 2: same as above, but instead of move-certain-squares, it's live (zelda, DWL) and you have a certain amount of seconds to attack depending on your agility....and you can only attack/cast spell once, so projectile spells have to be aimed good, because the monster is wandering around...


idea 3: same as above, but there's no time limit, just pure live battle (DWL) on a generated battlefield, and to run away you have to dodge the monsters and get to the edge of the field.

what do you think?
First one. It doesn't disadvantage people with bad connections, and gives you time to think.