I have made a map maker whitch makes coding a little easier since it enters the code into the dm file when you make the obj,mob,turf,area. It also has some other fetures but other than that it is still in its alpha stages. I was woundering if some people could test it tell me what you think and give me ideas on what you would like me too add to make it easier for you to make the games you make. This is what I think is a good section to go into. I want to make a complete system that makes it easyer to build a game in byond. Like auto code generation and mapping.

You can make a code to build a map in random or other such ways and then make code so in the map makes the code. Kinda weired dont u think O.o. So then say I want to make an RPG game. Instead of typing down thousand lines of code for the turf types I could make code that is used to make that code just by adding it too a list or some other sort. Making an hour and a 1/2 process just take an 1/4 hour long. This will increase production of games made by people. I dont know if this is good or not since there is a limited number of people to play them. Some coders might think this is bad cause then any one could be able to code with the system. Which is true in a way.

I don't know what you people think about a system like this?
Of course you could charge money for it too.