I was thinking about that lib Shadowdarke made on the isometric movement. Which I think is cool how he did it. But when I first mentioned isometric on the forums it wasnt really on movement but gfx. Maybe someone could make an engine that would take the south image direction and the east image direction and combine them. Then add a little shadding to the image so it looks isometric. Better yet you could edit the angle you wanted for the icon and it would do it for you and come out with a finished icon.
Probley people would start to announce its immposible but with a little editing of the hex in dmi icons I asure u its possible. Well just thought I bring this up too you people. Hmmm last thing you would need to worry about on that was the size of the image so that it doesnt make the icon bigger than the 32x32 max icon size but Im sure you could come up with some way past that like auto making a new icon for the out of sized part or shrink it.
Oct 20 2002, 9:51 am
Oct 20 2002, 10:39 pm
It's possible I suppose, but you sure wouldn't catch me trying it. A simple image editing program should do the trick for manipulating any kind of images.