How about a mailing database that lets you mail a message on the website and is sent to the persons mail box obj in the game. Then if the game is not currently being hosted it is stored in a log file till the game is back up. You could add on too this like maybe including objects that you could send from you current characters inventory to the mail box.

Then on the website you could have a stores database were peoples stores in the game could be added to the database so people could shop from them via web. This could be cool cause you could put icons on the web shop and then just have the gold be taken from that characters sav file and the item he baught added too the invantory.

I think this would add a great feel for the game and bring more people to the games website.

Since I am announcing this on the forum I have decided to build a demo for the mailing system but the store system I will leave up too you to design.
Hmm, so you are saying that people play the game when it is online, but can still 'go shopping' via a website when the game is offline? That's not a bad idea!

I think you could apply this is different ways: for example in my space sim, people could learn things at the academy (which runs as a website) to gain skills. Then when ready, the players can enter the game from the website (as a transfer to a ship).

Thanks for the concept!
In response to digitalmouse
WOW I actually helped some one, me happy :)!!
hmm you could use this in lots and lots of ways. Such as two ways Im doing for one of my games is. Have a trading center like ebay were players can trade items. Then I was going to do a online library were people who wrote books in the game and placed them in the library would be added to the online library website. Were you could read the books or even write your own on the website.

Many new horizens to this landscape of ideas. O.o Limey OUT :)
Green Lime wrote:
How about a mailing database that lets you mail a message on the website and is sent to the persons mail box obj in the game. Then if the game is not currently being hosted it is stored in a log file till the game is back up.

I always thought this would be a great alternative to the note systems I have seen in text environment MUDs. The text editors in MUDs tend to be hard to use and getting killed while writing a note is not any fun.
That would be something i would like, it would help me out alot on filing problems and people needing help.