I be making an addition to the morte chat called Nature. It will be a sim of nature basically with animals and trees. The trees grow and get older and taller along with the animals but the animals die alot faster. Its like one big environment of ending to begin to end again.
I was thinking of implamenting in DNA so if like one animal breed with another it would be a random range between those two DNA. Same with trees seeds there DNA would change to or evolution basically.
Random but yet not walking would need to be in this too. I mean animals do Kinda walk random but yet to look for food and they usally stay in there area. If not looking for food doing somthing else like BREEDING!! or maybe looking for a water source. So you would need to add food and water along with whether it wants to BREED or not. So many variables that interact with eachother I think hmmm.
Any thoughts?
May 26 2002, 11:50 am
In response to Exadv1
I'd say calm down a bit with the breeding, we don't want this to turn into an animal porn game, eeeeewwww.... donkey sex.......
There is so much you will have to model.
Make the system where it is easy to add laws and patterns because the more research you do the more you will find out you have to add. Add slat marshes though.