Who ever says the world is a small place is well right!
Galaxy is a game where people can select their race and then are put on a randomly selected and made planet. You then start as a low tech. race and as time goes on you will learn new things. Gaining matirals from this planet and evolving into better tech. you gain the capability to go into space. Space when started is also randmoly made and filled with all kinds of planets. Once your ship goes there you can land on that planet and can colonize there too. Spreading threw the galaxy u will soon find out your 1 planet u started out on is actually a very small place for there will be over 600 more planets to goto.
Most people thinking it would take years to save a random map that size. And what about downloading it OHH MY GOD! Well I was thinking of having a dme file for each planet so U start there and then when u travel to outer space u are sent to another dme which will keep your data of the other .dme but when u enter another planet it takes u to another .dme. This I think will end up eating less cpu and downloading only what u need to at a certain time.
Think of it a world will probley have 1 500x500 map. Then times them by the other 600 planets out there. Lots of space to build so I dought no one will ever argue over space.
![]() Apr 19 2002, 5:50 pm
![]() Apr 19 2002, 5:54 pm
One question: Is it out yet? Sounds really good to me, as I've always enjoyed playing development/RPG style games.
If everything is randomly made when you start, I take it this is a single player game. Is this a correct assumption? If it is multiplayer and you can battle, trade, or just ignore other players on other planets then it would sound great. It still would be neat though even if it was only single player.
Mertek wrote:
One question: Is it out yet? Sounds really good to me, as I've always enjoyed playing development/RPG style games. Sorry its not out yet I need a team first too help me. Mostly sound effects or sound people. I can handle the rest so if any body be intrested post. If I am actually able to get this team then it will be out at the latest Next month. Well actually I dont know it depends on how good the sound people all, but U wount get paid I am too poor for it. |
Loduwijk wrote:
If everything is randomly made when you start, I take it this is a single player game. Is this a correct assumption? If it is multiplayer and you can battle, trade, or just ignore other players on other planets then it would sound great. It still would be neat though even if it was only single player. It would be multiplayer of course. And Trading battling and Ignoring people would also be included :) |
Your going about this all the wrong way making the same mistake I made when I first began with multiple DME files. If you haven't already started coding this you'll soon find out that you have a problem with every changing Z levels.
The best was to approach this is just stick with 1 DME and make multiple Z levels. LJR |
Not sure if you knew it or not but I already have a Space SoundFXs package I released for LBDT. If your interested check it out -> http://www.byond.com/hub/hub.cgi?qd=hubIndex&hub=2453&view=3
LordJR wrote:
Your going about this all the wrong way making the same mistake I made when I first began with multiple DME files. If you haven't already started coding this you'll soon find out that you have a problem with every changing Z levels. Wount this end up lagging the server when someone logs in and cause a bigger download thow? |
It doesn't matter. All the resources are going to be there to begin with. Its better and really the only way to do this. I ended up going back and compiling all my multiple DME into 1 DME in the end, cause things just went wrong, also its buggy if you use Multiple DME.
LordJR wrote:
It doesn't matter. All the resources are going to be there to begin with. Its better and really the only way to do this. I ended up going back and compiling all my multiple DME into 1 DME in the end, cause things just went wrong, also its buggy if you use Multiple DME. Alright thanks then for preventing probley hours of getting angry for me. |
The only problem with multiple map files comes if you are addressing locations directly by their z coordinate. If you use tags, it doesn't matter if the start zone is on z level 1, 50, or anywhere in between. You can easily move it around in the map editor and not have to touch the program code.
For exmple, a while ago I expanded the map in Tanks slightly and moved everything one space up and one space to the left to fix the problem with decoys getting stuck on the edge of the map. If I had coded locations by coordinates, I would have had to go through the code manually and change every locate() call. Instead, All I had to do was go in the map editor, select the space I want to move, and slide it to the new location. It took about 15 seconds. For large projects, I find it nice to have separate map files. When I have to test a particular section, I can remove all the extraneous maps for faster compilation. |
Well thats what I initial had thought till Foomer or someone mention what I stated to me, and it made sense afterwards. Also you mention Tags? Is there something I'm missing? I seem to recall a few people had some kinda map naming system going so it was no problem having multiple map files. I had problems when adding new maps, the Z number would get switch around and it became a nightmare trying to find out what they all were.
Every datum in BYOND has a tag var which is designed specifically for use with locate. http://www.byond.com/docs/ref/info.html#/datum/var/tag
I can simply set the tag var for the turf in the center of my title screen to "title screen" and move people there with locate("title screen") instead of locate(8,8,2). I think AbyssDragon has a level referencing system on the hub, but I haven't founc a reason to use it in my projects. |
Shadowdarke wrote:
Every datum in BYOND has a tag var which is designed specifically for use with locate. Not necessarily! The tag variable also plays a key role in Topic() calls: usr << "<a href='byond://?src=\ref[src]'>Hi!</a>" If the src's tag isn't set, you'll get something like ?src=0x00003c ?src=hello |