Is there a way to make a text output to the world by just typing whatever you want to say instead of typing say "blah ??? I don't have any idea how to do this.
Look up command_text in the reference to be able to set say up as your default command.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Look up command_text in the reference to be able to set say up as your default command.

Thanks Nadrew thats what i was going to ask you on Ensya.
In response to Air _King
As some people know I don't like to help people in games or over my pager, only if the game is a newbie help chat or something.
I once had an idea...

proc/Say(var/message as text)
set name = ""
world << Format("[]:",message,color="red",size=2)

I've never tried it, though... to the compiler I go.