The first one isn't new as it has been stated before :
Punching bag - A bag that is created by a techie once they reach the requirement. The bag is durable, but after using it for awhile , you will get a warning that the bag is going to rip ,and then it is destroyed a few hits afterwards. the bag can be fixed if it is Upgraded before it is completely destroyed. The bag can be hit from multiple directions( I Think we have something we can use for this too.) .
Punching Machine - A Machine that is created for the sole purpose of hitting it(For Sparring). It would require more than a punching bag, but the machine lasts for a much longer time and does not break as quickly as a punching bag would; however, the machine can only be hit from one direction(Wheras the punching bags can be hit from multiple directions).
Armor - Battle armor was once in if i'm not mistaken,and they are supposed to be amoung what you can make right next to sword's. Add Armors back at that level; however, this is how they should work: Armor is designed to absorb impacts and dissipate damage from attacks. Armor's will have durability based upon which type is made (For Types, I would suggest the following:
AC Battle Armor- Rarely efficient armor type. Grant's a small protection against attacks while worn, but grants better flexibility and movement than the other types.
Saiyan Battle Armor - An efficient Neutral Armor Type. Grant's a Medium protection against attacks while worn and does not hinder you.
Full Body Armor - Extremely Efficient Armor Type. Grants a Huge Protection against attacks while worn, and can take the impact of energy attacks protecting the wearer; however, It reduces your Movement speed(Make it a static amount) to a certain amount. You will be slower to move while wearing this armor.)
Each Armor should have a set Durability(With Full Body armor being the highest). Once the Armor's durability hit's Zero, a Message pop's up saying "???"'s Armor has been destroyed"! The Armor is then 'Destroyed' and deleted from the inventory.
If anyone has any more to suggest feel free.
Jan 22 2021, 5:38 pm (Edited on Jan 23 2021, 9:37 am)
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