Generations - The New Government

by BossLvl
Generations - The New Government
Become a super hero or villain! Create an origin for yourself and enjoy life in this building/survival game!
Applies to:
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
The first one isn't new as it has been stated before :

Punching bag - A bag that is created by a techie once they reach the requirement. The bag is durable, but after using it for awhile , you will get a warning that the bag is going to rip ,and then it is destroyed a few hits afterwards. the bag can be fixed if it is Upgraded before it is completely destroyed. The bag can be hit from multiple directions( I Think we have something we can use for this too.) .

Punching Machine - A Machine that is created for the sole purpose of hitting it(For Sparring). It would require more than a punching bag, but the machine lasts for a much longer time and does not break as quickly as a punching bag would; however, the machine can only be hit from one direction(Wheras the punching bags can be hit from multiple directions).

Armor - Battle armor was once in if i'm not mistaken,and they are supposed to be amoung what you can make right next to sword's. Add Armors back at that level; however, this is how they should work: Armor is designed to absorb impacts and dissipate damage from attacks. Armor's will have durability based upon which type is made (For Types, I would suggest the following:

AC Battle Armor- Rarely efficient armor type. Grant's a small protection against attacks while worn, but grants better flexibility and movement than the other types.

Saiyan Battle Armor - An efficient Neutral Armor Type. Grant's a Medium protection against attacks while worn and does not hinder you.

Full Body Armor - Extremely Efficient Armor Type. Grants a Huge Protection against attacks while worn, and can take the impact of energy attacks protecting the wearer; however, It reduces your Movement speed(Make it a static amount) to a certain amount. You will be slower to move while wearing this armor.)


Each Armor should have a set Durability(With Full Body armor being the highest). Once the Armor's durability hit's Zero, a Message pop's up saying "???"'s Armor has been destroyed"! The Armor is then 'Destroyed' and deleted from the inventory.

If anyone has any more to suggest feel free.