Okay so I know this is a very noobish question, but im having an issue seeing a Stat bar listing HP/MHP and so on.. I've tried
HP = 30
and it just doesnt appear anywhere also I was wondering how to make Map placed mob's to move on their own?
Jan 27 2011, 9:29 pm
In response to Kidman90
error: stat: undefined proc
error: proc definition not allowed inside another proc Don't know why it's being so stubborn |
In response to Silver_Gohan
You probably just copied and pasted, which is most likely the cause of the errors here.
That's because the identations in his snippet are totally wrong. Try using this: mob |
In response to Raimo
thanks for the help guys, it took me a little while to figure out why it wasn't working with what you supplied, and then it dawned on me that I had to make the Var, Hp XD thanks.
For your second question, you'd probably do something of this sort.
Remember the above is just an example, or a code structure on how you could go on about how to do the certain task at hand.