Clearing an icon's width or height value and clicking out of the edit field resulted in error messages that would not go away without force-closing the editor.
BYOND Version:513
Operating System:Windows 10 Home
Web Browser:Chrome 87.0.4280.88
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (513.1540)

This issue has been resolved.
As talked about in the byond discord, I found an easy bug to reproduce involving the DMI editor.

1: Open new DMI file
2: Go to set pixel size, delete old sizing but click off the input box
3: Get error message that won't let you get around it unless you use task manager to kill DM

Here's a pic
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Clearing an icon's width or height value and clicking out of the edit field resulted in error messages that would not go away without force-closing the editor.