world << "<b><font face = times new roman><font color = red><u>Information</u>:<font color = green>[usr](<font color = blue>[usr.specialtitle]<font color = green>)<font color = yellow> has <u>left</u> the combat!"
world<<output("<b><font face = times new roman><font color = red><u>Information</u>:<font color = green>[usr](<font color = blue>[usr.specialtitle]<font color = green>)<font color = yellow> has <u>left</u> the combat!","Room")
if(usr.inroom == 1&&usr.inmatch==0)
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(M.playerspot > src.playerspot)
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(M.roomowner == usr.roomowner&&M.roomowner<>null||M.roomowner == usr.roomwatching&&M.roomowner<>null||M.roomwatching == usr.roomwatching&&M.roomwatching<>null)
M << sound('Select.wav')
M<<output("<font face = times new roman><font color=green><font color=yellow> [usr] has left!","Room")
Problem description: I'm working on my new game and for some reason it does really random errors after I reboot and by errors i mean like procs not finishing and stuff like that. Most of the time it will just crash once a fight starts. Think it might have anything to do with my logout code?
My understanding of world.Reboot() is that it preserves the connections, deletes the world (literally), creates a new one, and then attempts re-process the connections (connecting them to clients and such). Pretty much the same as starting the game up a second time and having everyone join.
I know I've had problems with Reboot() in the past due to modifying some functions, but I can't recall exactly what.
EDIT: How did you determine mob/Logout() might be the cause, by the way? Did you try removing it and it worked fine?