Over time we've learned how to deal with trolls and the spiteful aim of people committed to lies and i have to say that it's a talent we benefit quite alot from.
There are almost always people from my old teams upset that we released them for corruption but we can't afford to defend corrupt staff. If there's a staff member being corrupt they're outta here one way or the next.
That brings me to liens. A long time ago i didn't realize what sort of things he was doing to our community but after so many people reported his actions at that time i let him off of my staff. It's a good thing too [mind you this happened a really long time ago.] as we have learned how to deal with the malicious directive of people who'd rather see us quit our project
-This isn't going to happen. We've all put alot of work into this community and it's highly selfish of liars to come into our game, insult our players and try to siphon them to another game. When players stated they didn't enjoy the game DU, an extremely rude and violent "Drakera" continued to harass them despite being told he was wrong and that people enjoyed the experience.
Know that if you come here seeking to ignite lies or fueding you will be ultimately removed and from there you will never have a peep heard from you again. Please do not waste time logging into the game to throw stones, insult players, tell lies or in otherwords slight the game. We don't care what your reasoning is whether you're jealous of our coding or you're upset about something else. We are happy to have you leave rather than the above actions.
Our icons are original and we're still creating new material and icons so the idea that we stole icons is entirely false. Again.. this topic is pretty toxic but the intention of the post is to end the toxicity all together.
Happy Holidays :)
Ps.. Liens and Drakera you are no longer welcome here. You have harassed our players with lies for far too long. Enjoy your exile.
Dec 31 2020, 1:24 am
We have over 300 skills coded and more mechanics of proper functionality than ever existed in my original game and although you have a knack for sledging out out right lies it still doesn't damage the legacy.
There are no hand outs. I pay my coders and iconners, I always have and our community is more than just the numbers on byond forums. Alot of our community feel more comfortable in our discord where we have more control over toxicity like what you're attempting here.
It's not that it bothers us because to be frank we've gotten really good at deflecting the trolls to their proper channels. Honestly i think you guys can't stand that our community enjoys creating this project. It obviously makes your blood boil to come and check on a project your entire motive seems to be to misplace.
I would normally compromise with unsatisfied people in our group or game to figure what they wanted to change but in this case it is and always has been solely about being malicious to our team, staff and supporters.
We're not petty enough to -care- if that makes any sense to you. We enjoy the privilege to be here. A privilege you and your friends no longer have, and i know you dont likely care but i'll explain why anyway.
A group of you started logging into the game the other night attempting to sabotage the game by absolute means of being both petty and pathetic. Anything to lag the server, anything to make the players uncomfortable, calling the players out of their names (Horrible things that i will not repeat here ).
Look i work 12 hour shifts but it's crystal clear that you don't have anything better to do, and at that point i realize how sad that is for you. A part of me pities you guys, but i know there's no compromise that would be reasonable or that you deserve.
You aren't entitled to be heard here. If you're going to be rude, toxic, malicious, or pathetic here we're going to remove you and keep up pushing, but i hope you obtain someone in life that brings you happiness. A lifetime of sad clicks against a usb keyboard can weigh it's toll
Happy holidays !