for(var/mob/Turret2/T in grabturret)
WeaponShoot(pdamage=round(src.damage*src.damagefactor),picon='Shot 1.dmi',var/sound/sound=null,soundfalloff=6,wrng=12,cost=0,pattern=0,speed=1,w_attribute="",var/bowner="")
if(src.Fight == 1) // THIS Line is the one generating the error
runtime error: Cannot read null.Fight
proc name: WeaponShoot (/mob/proc/WeaponShoot)
source file: Weapons.dm,4
usr: Mista-mage123 (/mob)
src: Defence Turret (/mob/Turret2/Aim_Left)
call stack:
Problem description:
For some reason, when calling this proc, anytime i use 'src', it bugs out. However, using 'usr' seems to work, just 'usr' couldn't be used in this scenario because the proc has to be performed by the NPC
-Looking for New() overrides related to the object in question (type /mob/Turret2/Aim_Left) that might've been clogged up. Preventing a New() from returning can lead to Random Misc Badness.
-Try sticking a[n] if(!src)* check before the culprit line, perhaps include a debug line there.
*Uhm, if that doesn't help, putting ASSERT(src) instead might. Or if not, at least it will make you feel better.
-For the hell of it, change your proc to use less or no arguments, at least temporarily. This shouldn't be a problem, but might as well give it a shot.
-Scan your code for random, miscellaneous bad code, mistakes, or Bad Things, and fix them. Might solve the problem (even if not, it still benefits you).
When I encountered such a problem, it basically took arbitrary changes to the relevant code and as such to get rid of it; I don't really know exactly what patterns or actions can cause it (other than the New() thing, anyway), so yeah, good luck. Maybe someone else will be able to help more.