
Problem description:

I tried to add it so when you log in you get to choose your race, one i done it i got an error bad argument definition

I have tried to fix it, when i double click it, it takes me here:

            usr.loc = locate(168,46,2)

This is what i added before i got this error

            switch(input("What is your race ?", text) in list ("Shinigami","Quincy","Sado","Inoue","Hollow"))
usr.talkrace = 1
usr.cankido = 1
world << "<b><font color = aqua>Race Info: [usr] is now a Shinigami!"
usr.race = "Shinigami"
usr << "<b>Your health got boosted by 500!"
usr.mhealth += 500
usr << "<b>Your reiatsu got boosted by 150!"
usr.mrei += 150
usr << "<b>Your attack got boosted by 80!"
usr.mattack += 80
usr << "<b>Your defence got boosted by 80!"
usr.mdefence += 80
usr << "<b>Your reiatsu power got boosted by 20!"
usr.reiatsu += 20
var/obj/sword/B = new/obj/sword
B.loc = usr
var/obj/shini/C = new/obj/shini
C.loc = usr
usr.status = "Member"
switch(input("What squad do you want to be in?", text) in list ("One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine","Ten","Eleven","Twelve","Thirteen"))
usr.squad = "One "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Two "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Three "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Four "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Five "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Six "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Seven "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Eight "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Nine "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Ten "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Eleven "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Twelve "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
usr.squad = "Thirteen "
usr.squad2 = "Squad "
switch(input("What type of fighting do you prefer?", text) in list ("Melee","Long Ranged","Controlling","Using Effects"))
switch(input("What is your best attribute when fighting?)", text) in list ("Freeze and Kill Your Opponents","Speed and Power","Pure Power","Pure Weapon Power","Using Light Power","Defense","Using Water Power","Fire-Based"))
if("Pure Power")
usr.stype = "Zaraki"
if("Pure Weapon Power")
usr.stype = "Ikkaku"
if("Speed and Power")
usr.stype = "Ichigo"
B.icon = 'ichigoshikai.dmi'
if("Freeze and Kill Your Opponents")
usr.stype = "Hitsugaya"
if("Using Light Power")
usr.stype = "Ichinose"
usr.bantype = 1
usr.shikaidrain = 0
usr.stype = "Urahara"
usr.bantype = 1
usr.shikaidrain = 0
usr.stype = "Yamato"
usr.bantype = 1
usr.shikaidrain = 0
if("Using Water Power and Elec")
usr.stype = "Ukitake"
usr.bantype = 1
if("Long Ranged")
switch(input("What is your best attribute when fighting?)", text) in list ("Skewering Multiple Enemies","Ranged Reiatsu Blasts","Shooting many blades"))
if("Skewering Multiple Enemies")
usr.stype = "Ichimaru"
usr.bantype = 1
if("Ranged Reiatsu Blasts")
usr.stype = "Hinamori"
usr.bantype = 1
if("Shooting many blades")
usr.stype = "Tousen"
usr.bantype = 1
switch(input("What is your best attribute when fighting?)", text) in list ("Series of Powerful Strikes","Ripping Your Opponent Apart","Slashing Your Foes With Small Blades","Controlling Wind"))
if("Series of Powerful Strikes")
usr.stype = "Renji"
if("Slashing Your Foes With Small Blades")
usr.stype = "Jiroubou"
usr.bantype = 1
if("Ripping Your Opponent Apart")
usr.stype = "Byakuya"
if("Controlling Wind")
usr.stype = "Shunsui"
usr.bantype = 1
if("Using Effects")
switch(input("What is your best attribute when fighting?)", text) in list ("Absorbing Your Enemie's Power","Screwing Your Opponents With Effects","Immobilizing The Enemy","Freezing your Opponent For an Long Time"))
if("Screwing Your Opponents With Effects")
usr.stype = "Mayuri"
if("Immobilizing The Enemy")
usr.stype = "Kira"
usr.bantype = 1
if("Absorbing Your Enemie's Power")
usr.stype = "Yumichika"
usr.bantype = 1
if("Freezing your Opponent For an Long Time")
usr.stype = "Rukia"

I was hoping that someone could help me out with this.
The problem is most likely somewhere in front of the code you posted ;) Could we have a bit more?
In response to Mysame
There ya go, i added it to the original post.
In response to Emo_Kid93
Well I don't see the error line anywhere in there :p but your intendation seems to be a bit off (though that might be because you copy/pasted), so I can't spot the error, but you seem to be overusing switch() methinks. Like, for your usr.squad variable, you could just do;

usr.squad=input("What squad") in list("One ","Two ","...")
In response to Mysame
Thanks, i fixed the error a while back, it took to long to get a reply on here so i just started messing with it, then i fixed it.

I need to add health draining now. :P