var/html = "<html><frameset rows=\"15%,85%\"><frame src=Nav /><frame src=Main name=\"display\" /></frameset></html>"
var/Nav = "<body>...</body>"
var/Main = "<body>...</body>"
var/Stats = "<body>...</body>"
var/Skills = "<body>...</body>"
var/Image = file("fileHere")
usr << browse(Nav,"file=Nav;display=0")
usr << browse(Main,"file=Main;display=0")
usr << browse(Stats,"file=Stats;display=0")
usr << browse(Skills,"file=Skills;display=0")
usr << browse_rsc(Image,"Image")
usr << browse(html,"window=[name]")
Problem description:
Well, this is sort of a round two on this. (Though round one was months ago)
So, I'm trying to show some complicated HTML in a browser window, which involves frames, and thus, requires several separate HTML documents.
Plan A was to create several files on the host computer, then use browse_rsc() to transfer the files, and then use a browse() to show the main file. It worked, but I couldn't delete the original files, for some reason that I still haven't quite worked out. (Fdel wasn't working, and I tried several things, the file object, the file path, etc.)
Someone suggested that making the original files wasn't necessary, that I could simply transfer the text with browse_rsc(), so I've been trying that. (I figured out that you have to actually use browse) It looks like it should be working but it's not.
Now, bear in mind, that this code was working correctly (with the exception of the fdel part) before, when the four variables (Nav,Stats,Skills, and Main) were file objects contain the exact same HTML, and instead of the four browses, I had browse_rsc(Nav,"Nav").
When I run this right now, I don't get any error messages, but nothing happens.
EDIT: Problem solved, though I still am confused. Moving the browse_rsc for the Image to the spot above the first browse, fixed it. (I moved it back and forth to check) Does the order matter? I don't see why it would. Should this be a bug report?
So yeah, loading it first through browse_rsc, then displaying it would be the logical answer.