I will have to say...Thogh I used to not like Naruto Chronology...Its growing on me... It has a great leveling system (Not to fast, not to slow) and ...Well Decent graphics...>_> ANYWAYS! I loves it. It looks sounds and IS great. Except for the faxct when you die, You lose all your moneys. :'(
If you were to read the guide, you only lose money IF you are an Akat or Missing-nin. OR if you get killed by an Akat or Missing.
Stego wrote:
If you were to read the guide, you only lose money IF you are an Akat or Missing-nin. OR if you get killed by an Akat or Missing.

Oh-ok. Well I wish It would hurry up and go back online. <_<
First you say the game is growing on you and then you say you love it? Then you say it has decent graphics, then go on to say it looks great...

Your confusin.
Naruto Chronology is a source of another person's game.
Go compliment them, not those shitheads.
I'm sure those people couldn't program dick.