Code:I know its probably a simple problem to solve, but I'm not the best coder in the world and I really don't know what to do.... Please Help me.
stat("Health:","[usr.Health]") //shows the users Health
stat("Gold:","[usr.Wealth]") //shows the users wealth
stat("Combat Level:","[usr.CombatLevel]")
stat("Strength:", "[Strength]")
stat("Defense:", "[Defense]")
stat("Agility:", "[Agility]")
stat("Archery:", "[Archery]")

Problem description:The Coding itself is perfect... when i compile and run the statistics are set up exactly how i like them, the thing is the chat area cuts off the statistics area around farming so you have to move the chat area down which means you cant see what you or other people say. I want to know how you can make it so you can scroll down and view all of your stats without having to lower the screen thing itself. It would probably be better if i showed you a picture of what i mean because i know im being confusing right now, but i dont really know how to display pictures on the forum.

I suggest putting two stats on each line, or changing your interface to separate the stat panels from the chatbox completely.
You can halve the height of it by changing it to having two stats on each line, for example, stat("Health: [src.Health]","Wealth: [src.Wealth]"), etc. Also, I wouldn't use usr there, even though it's technically safe to use in Stat(). (Considering the source (aka src) is the mob you're dealing with.)
In response to Darkmag1c1an11
Okay, thanks a lot guys, Im surprised you gusy knew even what I was talking about, and even more surprised you guys were able to help me out. I know that was a noobie question, im a newbie coder, and I hope to get better soon.
In response to Coco_50
It's no problem. I'm just glad you're not one of the fools who asks for code to copy and paste, and instead you're one who tries to learn.