/*Global List of Administrators*/
var/admin = list("Dead_Demon")

/*Global List of Moderators*/
var/mod = list("zomg none")

/*Define the world*/
mob = /mob/
turf = /turf/

if(src.key == admin[1])
world << "ADMIN HERE"


Say(msg as text)
world << "[msg] "

Problem description:

Well, I've decided to try and attempt to actually make a BYOND Game this time, and not give up on it for once. And, like always, when one doesn't keep up with the language, one tends to make silly little mistakes, like I am sure there is here.

I get no error output when I run this little snippet, but when I log in with my key Dead_Demon, I get no message that says "ADMIN HERE"

So, what is my silly little mistake that I have overlooked?
Well, that's not a particularly good way of doing it (you're not actually defining those as lists). Coincidentally, earlier tonight I just posted something related to doing administration here. You might want to take a look at it for a better way.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
Well, that's not a particularly good way of doing it (you're not actually defining those as lists). Coincidentally, earlier tonight I just posted something related to doing administration here. You might want to take a look at it for a better way.

Ok! I will take a look, thanks for the suggestion.

Also; How would I define them as a list? From what I gathered from the BYOND Helpfile, that was one of the many ways I could define a list. Although, it is three in the morning, so I could be missing something..
In response to Dead_Demon
var/list/blarg //You forgot the /list part. The way you had
//assigns a list to the variable, but you
//wouldn't be able to use list functions or
In response to Popisfizzy
Ah, okay then.