mob = /mob/create_character //set the default mob to create_character, as to make the selection stuff happen
view = 7 //I prefer 7...
turf = /turf/grass
mob/black //we are playing God here! let's create a monkey
icon = 'mans.dmi' //the monkey will look like this!
verb //the monkey is quite primitive, so the things it can do are limited
//the things it can do are...
say(msg as text) //yell for no reason!
world << "[usr] says:'[msg]!'"
walk_arround() //run around, monkily!
world << "[usr] walks arround."
think() //very primitive philopholizations!
world << "[usr] thinks to himself...'"

icon = 'mans.dmi' //this is what it will look like. quite ugly, no?
verb //the humans are more intelligent than the primitive monkies
say(msg as text)
world << "[usr] says.'[msg]!'" //very sophisticated!
walk_arround() //they can walk erect!
world << "[usr] walks around."
think() //they have much more developed brain power - they can philosophize meaningful things!
world << "[usr] thinks to himself..."

icon = 'enviroment.dmi'
icon_state = "grass"

icon = 'enviroment.dmi'
icon_state = "water"
density = 1

name = "Heroes"
turf = /turf/grass

mob/create_character //the default mob
var/mob/character //later we'll be switching client to this
var/charactername = input("What is your name?","Name",src.key) //you should know this..
switch(input("Skin Color") in list("Dark","White"))
if("Dark") //if they chose to be a monkey
character = new /mob/black //make the new character a monkey!
if("White") //if they wanna be human,
character = new /mob/white //make them one!
usr.Move(locate(14,14,1)) = charactername //set the name
src.client.mob = character //now, we change the player to this newly defined mob!()
del(src) //delete the old mob

Problem description: I compile without any errors but when I run the game the map doesn't show up what am I doing wrong?
Do you have a map file?
In mob/create_character/Login(), you create a new mob. You move the current mob onto the map. Then, you give the client control of that new mob, and delete the current mob. So, basically, you're moving the wrong mob.

I'm not sure why that would be preventing you from landing on the map, however.

I have to say, though, that I am not a fan of using Login() for things like this. It belongs in client/New(), which is the actual first proc called when a client logs into your game.
In response to Kaiochao
In response to Garthor
hm I'm new at this can you tell me what should I change?
In response to Jino kid
In continuation of what Garthor said:
                character = new /mob/black  //make the new character a monkey!
                character = new /mob/black(locate(14,14,1))  //make the new character a monkey!

This is because the original code moves the mob that you immediately delete afterwards. Instead, you should create the new mob at the desired location (the argument to the New() proc, by default, is its location).

In response to Hiead
thnx for that now the character doesn't show up :S
ps:I know i'm a noob =/ but started yesterday so sorry

mob = /mob/create_character //set the default mob to create_character, as to make the selection stuff happen
view = 5 //I prefer 5...
turf = /turf/grass
mob/black //we are playing God here! let's create a monkey
icon = 'mans.dmi' //the monkey will look like this!
verb //the monkey is quite primitive, so the things it can do are limited
//the things it can do are...
say(msg as text) //yell for no reason!
world << "[usr] says:'[msg]!'"
walk_arround() //run around, monkily!
world << "[usr] walks arround."
think() //very primitive philopholizations!
world << "[usr] thinks to himself...'"

icon = 'mans.dmi' //this is what it will look like. quite ugly, no?
verb //the humans are more intelligent than the primitive monkies
say(msg as text)
world << "[usr] says.'[msg]!'" //very sophisticated!
walk_arround() //they can walk erect!
world << "[usr] walks around."
think() //they have much more developed brain power - they can philosophize meaningful things!
world << "[usr] thinks to himself..."

icon = 'enviroment.dmi'
icon_state = "grass"
icon = 'enviroment.dmi'
icon_state = "water"
density = 1

name = "Heroes"
turf = /turf/grass

mob/create_character //the default mob
var/mob/character //later we'll be switching client to this
var/charactername = input("What is your name?","Name",src.key) //you should know this..
switch(input("Skin Color") in list("Dark","White"))
if("Dark") //if they chose to be a monkey
character = new /mob/black(locate(1,1,1)) //make the new character a monkey!
if("White") //if they wanna be human,
character = new /mob/white(locate(1,1,1)) //make them one! = charactername
src.client.mob = character

if anyone wants to see if its possible to fix the problem there is the link to download the game source's...
thnx in advance
In response to Jino kid
The character doesn't show up because you haven't given them an icon_state.