mob = /mob/create_character //set the default mob to create_character, as to make the selection stuff happen
view = 7 //I prefer 7...
turf = /turf/grass
mob/black //we are playing God here! let's create a monkey
icon = 'mans.dmi' //the monkey will look like this!
verb //the monkey is quite primitive, so the things it can do are limited
//the things it can do are...
say(msg as text) //yell for no reason!
world << "[usr] says:'[msg]!'"
walk_arround() //run around, monkily!
world << "[usr] walks arround."
think() //very primitive philopholizations!
world << "[usr] thinks to himself...'"
icon = 'mans.dmi' //this is what it will look like. quite ugly, no?
verb //the humans are more intelligent than the primitive monkies
say(msg as text)
world << "[usr] says.'[msg]!'" //very sophisticated!
walk_arround() //they can walk erect!
world << "[usr] walks around."
think() //they have much more developed brain power - they can philosophize meaningful things!
world << "[usr] thinks to himself..."
icon = 'enviroment.dmi'
icon_state = "grass"
icon = 'enviroment.dmi'
icon_state = "water"
density = 1
name = "Heroes"
turf = /turf/grass
mob/create_character //the default mob
var/mob/character //later we'll be switching client to this
var/charactername = input("What is your name?","Name",src.key) //you should know this..
switch(input("Skin Color") in list("Dark","White"))
if("Dark") //if they chose to be a monkey
character = new /mob/black //make the new character a monkey!
if("White") //if they wanna be human,
character = new /mob/white //make them one!
usr.Move(locate(14,14,1)) = charactername //set the name
src.client.mob = character //now, we change the player to this newly defined mob!()
del(src) //delete the old mob
Problem description: I compile without any errors but when I run the game the map doesn't show up what am I doing wrong?