private = 1
src.loc = locate(9,9,1)
if(src.key=="CK Productions")
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Owner/verb)
src.verbs += /mob/special/verb/Aura_On
src.verbs += /mob/special/verb/Ninja_Activate
src.verbs += /mob/special/verb/Shuriken
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/GM1/verb)
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/GM2/verb)
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/GM3/verb)
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/GM4/verb)
src.verbs += /mob/Astro/verb/Take_Espada
src.verbs += /mob/Astro/verb/MakeEspada
src.verbs += /mob/troj/verb/Fair_Stats
src.verbs += /mob/troj/verb/Tick_Lag
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Shadow/verb)
src.verbs += /mob/Arrancar/verb/Bala
src.verbs += /mob/EJ/verb/Announce_Mute
src.verbs += /mob/EJ/verb/Announce_UnMute
src.verbs += /mob/EJ/verb/Make_Espada_Leader
src.verbs += /mob/EJ/verb/Edit
usr.overlays -= 'ejorgleaderwings.dmi'
usr.overlays -= /obj/EJ
usr.overlays -= /obj/EJ2
usr.overlays -= 'ejorgleaderwings.dmi'
usr.overlays -= /obj/EJ
usr.overlays -= /obj/EJ2
usr.overlays -= 'ejorgleaderwings.dmi'
usr.overlays -= /obj/EJ
usr.overlays -= /obj/EJ2
usr.overlays -= 'ejorgleaderwings.dmi'
usr.overlays -= /obj/EJ
usr.overlays -= /obj/EJ2
src.verbs += /mob/EJ/verb/Make_Leader

And let me know if you need the login proc also. (really really long)

Problem description: Its not assigning ANYONE gm there are no errors. It just wont assign gm.

this HAS to be your first time coding...

alright you DONT need to have that long list im my game its one line that basically gives all those verbs....doing what you have there is insane

simply go to the verb commands that are listed in there i mean the discreiption and etc.
and at the top put

after that all of them are basically categorized simply go to the same place u have that ridiculous list and replace all of that with

src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Owner/verb)

note [this refers to the verbs not the overlay and etc

but seriously...if you didnt know how to do that maybe you should just for get about making watever your making >.>
In response to Jamaican Productions
I know how to do that. I'm not stupid. I have a reason I DIDN'T do it like that. I have verbs I don't want my Co-owner or anyone else to have.

EDIT: And by the way, the problem is that I'm not even getting the GM tab. and yes I spelled my key right.
In response to CK Productions
make sure that the verbs are in a set category in the code

and if you dont want ur co owners to get it u could do it that retarded way OR use a different way by placing all those codes under a different heading and doing the same process probably name it my codes etc then do should not be that hard
In response to Jamaican Productions
They are. Its just not assigning GM. Its not giving any verbs at all.
In response to CK Productions
I am getting the exact problem with my admin tab... im not even getting it,
In response to Nategrant
i havent ever seen that problem and so i dont know how to counteract it, it might just be somthing in the code thats screwing it up but idk
The only problem I can deduce from what's provided is the lack of a parent call (that nifty ..() proc). I'm not entirely sure of how critical its' presence is half the time, but I'm fairly certain you'll get some wacky result without it there.

Also, why is the same set of overlays removed four times in succession? If it's really necessary, why not remove them on logout and free up some savefile space? A few checks to prevent overlays from piling up like that wouldn't hurt, either.
In response to Mobius Evalon
Mobius Evalon wrote:
The only problem I can deduce from what's provided is the lack of a parent call (that nifty ..() proc). I'm not entirely sure of how critical its' presence is half the time, but I'm fairly certain you'll get some wacky result without it there.

I'd call that a fair deduction, but the problem likely lies in another override of Login() not calling the parent (making this never get called). As I've seen it, the last compiled override (based on the #included order in the .dme file) of a proc will be the first one called. When the parent is called from there it goes to the one compiled before it, and so on until it gets to the built-in proc (or the first one compiled if it's your own). Of course, the closest inherited procs go first, and by that I mean a /mob/NPC/Burglar will start with /mob/NPC/Burglar/New() overrides in this form before it jumps to /mob/NPC/New() procs and then mobs (provided you've called the parent for all of them).

world<<"Hi, I'm Bob."

world<<"I should probably introduce myself."

world<<"down there?"
..() // No parent, nothing actually happens here.
world<<"How's the weather \..."



TC, you can make this easier on yourself by putting all of your Login() overrides together, but nothing is stopping you from following the trail either if you like. =)