
set category="Staff"
switch(input("Do you wish to host a torny", text) in list ("Yes","No"))
world<<"<font size = 5>[usr] is hosteing a torny who wants to enter?"
world<<"<font size = 5>[usr] anyone else?"
usr.x = 50
usr.y = 39
usr.z = 20

Problem description: i keep getting this error anyone know why? "GM codes\ mob: expected end of statement"

This is the one being referred to? If so, nothing with it. Something you've programmed before that probably needs a ) in it. Then the problem should go away. I do realise that's the first line, so go back a dm file or 2 and you'll find it.
In response to Demon_F0rce
ok ill check that
For the record, all that code will do is show you an input window asking if you want to join, not every client.

Anyway, just doubleclick the error and it will take you to the line that's incorrect.
In response to Scizzees
Actually it asks if the hosts wants to make one, but besides that? nothing