switch(alert("Are you sure you wish to purge the directory [selected_world.filename]? This will delete all files except the dmb and rsc.","HostManager","Yes","No"))
logtxt("[C.key] purged [selected_world.filename].")
for(var/f in flist(selected_world.return_dir()))
if(f=="[selected_world.filename].dmb" || f=="[selected_world.filename].rsc") continue
else fdel(f);logtxt("Deleted [f] from [selected_world.filename]")
Problem description:
The files are not erased when fdel(f) is executed.
The world the directory is ran from is a subdirectory of the files I wish to delete.
I hosted from C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\HostManager
And the files are in...
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\HostManager\worlds\F\flamesage\murder _mansion
The log shows up as...
(January Sunday 2008 06:07:47) Deleted asdf.bmp from murder_mansion
(January Sunday 2008 06:07:47) Deleted efadsf.rtf from murder_mansion
(January Sunday 2008 06:07:47) Deleted hello.wav from murder_mansion
(January Sunday 2008 06:07:47) Deleted testing.rtf from murder_mansion
But the files are not erased.
This wouldn't have to deal with the safetey privilages due to it being a subdirectory, right?