set name = "Admin_Delete"
set category = "Admin"
Admin_Delete(var/obj/o in view())
del o
//And I have this one, the one for regular people.

Delete(var/obj/o in view())
if(usr.key == o.owner)
del o
usr << "You didn't build this."

Problem description:

If I dont put "set category" and "set name" then EVERYONE wiill have Admin Delete.I need the admins to be able to delete anything, normal people only their stuff. But Admin Delete says "proc defenition not allowed inside another proc"
set name = "Admin_Delete"
set category = "Admin"
Admin_Delete(var/obj/o in view())
del o

Because Admin_Delete seems to be a verb (which a verb is a little similar to a proc) and you named a proc after the verb (Admin_Delete), so change the name(s).

Why not just make your normal Delete() verb ignore the usr.key == o.owner requirement if usr is an admin?
In response to Garthor
In response to Janine_610
That all depends on how your game is programmed. Basically, you just want to check to see if the user is an admin and ignore ownership if he is.

mob/verb/Delete(var/obj/o in view())
if(isAdmin(usr.ckey) || o.owner==usr.ckey) del o
else usr << "That object does not belong to you."

Of course, to address your original problem (which is essential--it looks like you just jumped into programming a game because you made a really basic mistake), you did exactly what the error said. You've defined, or attempted to define, a procedure within a procedure--that is, you defined Admin_Delete() under Admin_Delete().

    Admin_Delete() //proc
set name = "Admin_Delete"
set category = "Admin"
Admin_Delete(var/obj/o in view()) //this line right here is the problem, proc defined in proc
del o

What you want to do is make some editions. Move the argument to the correct definition, get rid of the line with the appropriate comment trailing it, and untab every line following the line deleted.

    Admin_Delete(var/obj/o in view())
set name = "Admin_Delete"
set category = "Admin"
del o