loading nff2.dme
loading newmap.dmp
newmap.dmp:4912:error: undefined map symbol: "y

Failed to load map file C:\Documents and Settings\Johnny~\Desktop\WoNNFF2\newmap.dmp.

nff2.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)</

Problem description:Thats not really code, but thats the error I get. I cant do anything about it, not that I know of. If I click on it I cant generate the object tree, because of it. Last night I saved the coding and turned off my computer, and I was editing the map at that time. It allowed me to edit before, but when I woke up none of the files were included and I couldn't open the map, getting this error. So I fixed the files and such, but the map was still Ungeneratable. Anyone ever got this error before?

Hey, if that other guy did it, then maybe I should bump this up.
In response to Johnny Boy Boss
No, you shouldn't. The forum rules are that you can only bump after twenty-four hours, and your post has to be off the front page.

Your problem here is that your map file was somehow corrupted. You're going to have to delete it or go into the file and correct, though you probably don't understand the .dmp-format enough to do that.