O.icon = Flip(src.icon,NORTH)

Problem description: getting "error:Flip:undefined proc" when compile. This proc is listed by Byond still but wont work. Ive tried it just North, ive tried it blank but nothing works. Any info?

Flip() may be undefined, but icon.Flip() isn't.
In response to Popisfizzy
im still getting Undefined
In response to Chase_Hammer
icon referring to the datum. You have to call [/icon type variable].Flip() for it to work.
In response to Popisfizzy
ive tried

O.icon = O.Flip()
O.icon = Flip()

nothing so far is valid
In response to Chase_Hammer
You need to create a new icon object first.
var/icon/I = new(src.icon,src.icon_state)
src.icon = I