var/player_sav = "players/[ckey].sav"
var/savefile/F = new(player_sav)

usr.verbs += /mob/Skill/verb/Flame_Wheal

Problem description:
The problem is that it only save the vars but not the verbs. i don't know if it is the way i save or the way i made you learn verbs(Verbs are tought by npc how it is above.
var/savefile/F = new("Players/[usr.ckey].sav")
F["verbs"] << usr.verbs

In response to Masuko Shintaro
I thought that saving who lists + their contents was a little more complicated... o.O
Verbs don't automatically save; you have to save them manually. Also if you load them you'll have to finesse them a bit first:

// to load verbs:
F["verbs"] >> newverbs
verbs += newverbs - verbs

In the next BYOND release you'll be able to use verbs|=newverbs instead.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
i'm confuzzled here. why would one want to save verbs to begin with? since verbs are hard-coded functions (or so i'm led to believe), wouldn't it be easier to just save a person's accesibility to certain verbs (GM verbs for her, no GM verbs for him, etc.), instead of the verbs themselves?
In response to digitalmouse
You can add and remove verbs from the built-in verbs list as needed, so sometimes you'll have to save that list.