Code:mob/verb/Watch(mob/m in world)// a verb
if(m == usr)//if you look at yourself it will do this
usr.client:perspective = MOB_PERSPECTIVE//this sets the client perspective to the usr, making the eye black when out of range(dont really know why you would want that on at all really).
else//if its not you it will do this
usr.client:perspective = EYE_PERSPECTIVE

Problem description: I have a Rpg.And when chars are taken people wanna watch the other chars interact when they use say.But the people watching cant see what they are saying.Please can u help with this prob

1. Read and understand demos, don't use their code.
2. Use the <DM> tags. In fact, they're even included in here by default, and you completely ignored them.

mob/verb/Watch(mob/m in world)
if(m==usr) usr.client.perspective=MOB_PERSPECTIVE|EDGE_PERSPECTIVE //set the perspective so it works with EDGE_PERSPECTIVE
else usr.client.perspective=EYE_PERSPECTIVE|EDGE_PERSPECTIVE //set the perspective so it works when the eye goes out of range
usr.client.eye=m //center the eye around m

And tell the one who gave you that snippet to quit putting comments on every single line. We know it's a verb, thanks.