Code:mob/verb/Watch(mob/m in world)// a verb
if(m == usr)//if you look at yourself it will do this
usr.client:perspective = MOB_PERSPECTIVE//this sets the client perspective to the usr, making the eye black when out of range(dont really know why you would want that on at all really).
else//if its not you it will do this
usr.client:perspective = EYE_PERSPECTIVE
Problem description: I have a Rpg.And when chars are taken people wanna watch the other chars interact when they use say.But the people watching cant see what they are saying.Please can u help with this prob
![]() Nov 22 2006, 7:34 pm
2. Use the <DM> tags. In fact, they're even included in here by default, and you completely ignored them.
And tell the one who gave you that snippet to quit putting comments on every single line. We know it's a verb, thanks.