usr.loc = locate(usr.x+1,usr.y,usr.z)

When I use this he walks to the space next to him...why? If I use usr.x+2 he teleports there. Why can't he teleport to the space next to him?
Whenever anything is relocated to a space only 1 tile away, animated movement kicks in no matter how it got there. If it's more than 1 tile away, animated movement is ignored. That's just the way it works, and there is no way to change that short of disabling animated movement altogether.

atom/movable has a variable animate_movement that you can disable. However, last I knew you could only change this at compile-time, not at runtime mid-game.

And I also have a tip for you. get_step will get the space next to you much easier. get_step(usr, EAST) will return the same thing as locate(usr.x+1, usr.y, usr.z)
In response to Loduwijk
I'm trying to entirely rewrite the movement proc for a project I'm working on. So, disabling the animation for movement wouldn't be a bad thing as long as rewrite it with something like a flick proc in there right?
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
atom/movable has a variable animate_movement that you can disable. However, last I knew you could only change this at compile-time, not at runtime mid-game.

You can change it at runtime. :<
In response to Mysame
.configure animation 1 or 0

I think. I have no idea how you would manipulate this , though.
In response to Mysame
Wonderful. Once upon a time we couldn't, and we had asked for it to be able to be changed at runtime, but I was not aware that this had been fixed.

At least, I think so...

Maybe it was pixel_step_size that we couldn't change at runtime. Whatever it was, one of those movement variables for movable atoms was compiletime only.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Sure, you could do that. Remember though, this will stop you from sliding smoothly between tiles even for normal movement as you are walking around the map.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
At least, I think so...

'Twas this one.

I wasn't even aware of the fix.

In response to Hiead
I'm still not sure changing it actually works; I remember the bug being that if you changed it nothing happened, not that it wouldn't allow it.