icon = 'Numbers.dmi'
layer = 100
pixel_x = 15

bomb_damage = 200
var/obj/Bomb_Damage/D = new(src.loc)
D.icon_state = "[num2text(round(bomb_damage),100)]"

Problem description:

When I press the Test() verb only a 2 appears. It doesn't show the two 0's. I'm not sure how to code so that the digits are positioned right. Help?

Thanks in Advance.

Are you sure that you didn't forget the two 0's in the icon_state? Also num2text() isn't need here.

This should be fine.
In response to Exophus
That's incorrect. I need num2text there cause the there's 10 icon_states, each having a 1 drawn number in each, and they're named from 0-10. I just don't know how to position them.
In response to Sharingan_User
Still wouldn't need num2text(). >_> 1 translated to text is still 1, or "1". Unless you think it changes it from 1 to "one", which it doesn't.
In response to Sharingan_User
In response to Sharingan_User
Does anyone know how to fix this?
In response to Sharingan_User
I know I shouldn't be bumping... but I really need this done, I still can't figure it out. Does anyone know a way to change the digits position?

All help is greatly appreciated.
In response to Sharingan_User
I asked if you made sure you added the two 0's in the icon state after the 2. Maybe you just drew a two and left it without any 0's?