if(src.type == /mob/Player)
var/fHP = (HP / MaxHP) * 100
var/fMP = (MP / MaxMP) * 100
if (fHP < 100&&fHP > 89)
meterHP = 90
else if (fHP == 0)
meterHP = 0
else if (fHP == 100)
meterHP = 100
else if (fHP <= 10&&fHP != 0)
meterHP = 110
else if (fHP > 100)
meterHP = 120
meterHP = (round(fHP) - 5)
if (((meterHP / 5) % 2) == 1)
meterHP += 1
meterHP = round(meterHP,10)
for(var/obj/HP/P in client.screen)
P.icon_state = "power_[num2text(meterHP)]"
//check for stat caps
if (src.Strength > 1000000) //max 100 million
src.Strength = 1000000
if (MaxHP > 1000000000) //max 1 billion
MaxHP = 1000000000
if(HP < 0) HP = 0
//MP meter
if (fMP < 100&&fMP > 89)
meterMP = 90
else if (fMP == 0)
meterMP = 0
else if (fMP == 100)
meterMP = 100
else if (fMP <= 10&&fMP != 0)
meterMP = 110
else if (fMP > 100)
meterMP = 120
meterMP = (round(fMP) - 5)
if (((meterMP / 5) % 2) == 1)
meterMP += 1
meterMP = round(meterMP,10)
for(var/obj/MP/XX in client.screen)
XX.icon_state = "ki_[num2text(meterMP)]"
//check for stat caps
if (src.MaxMP > 1000000000) //max 1 billion
src.MaxMP = 1000000000
if(src.MP <= 0)
src.MP = 0
if(src.Custom <= 0)
src.Custom = 0
for(var/obj/HUD/Icon_Clone/UU in client.screen)
UU.icon = src.icon
UU.icon_state = src.icon_state

Problem description:MP meter continues 00

Can you explain what 'MP meter continues 00' means?
In response to Hell Ramen
In the icon, it appears 00(equal to 0 in the code), even the player have more than 0.
In response to Pharaoh Atem
If it's not too much trouble, would you demonstrate for us that you have some understanding of the problem beyond "there's a problem"? Your understanding of that code, which presumably you wrote, might help us look in the right place.