icon = 'django.dmi'
set category = "NPC"
set src in oview(3)
if(usr.PK <= 50 && usr.Level >= 99)
alert("You have a good soul.You will get this reward.")
usr.icon = 'django.dmi'
usr.verbs += /mob/Icon_verb/verb/Django_Icon = "Solar Boy[usr.key]"
usr.Django = 1

Problem description:The player's name dont change, but he/she receive the verb and icon.

Help please.

I don't see anything wrong with that, but I fear that usr.Createname() can be interfering with it.

Also, you have a useless arugment in your Talk verb. Just use Talk(), not Talk(mob/X).
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
I don't see anything wrong with that, but I fear that usr.Createname() can be interfering with it.

Also, you have a useless arugment in your Talk verb. Just use Talk(), not Talk(mob/X).

The usr.CreateName() its for show the usr's name on the map.All my NPCs have Talk(mob/X) and they dont have problems.
In response to Pharaoh Atem
They don't have problems, but are completely uneeded. You're just wasteing .dmb and .exe space with that. It could also generate problems if they aren't being used.
Is usr's PK less than or equal to 50 and Level greater than or equal to 99?
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
They don't have problems, but are completely uneeded. You're just wasteing .dmb and .exe space with that. It could also generate problems if they aren't being used.

The error was in the "name generator" codes, they are for (src, key) and i changed to (src, name)... only my mistakes, sorry...