Code: Give_Level(mob/M in world)
set category = "GM"
var/levelgift = input("How much Level you want to give?") as num
var/str_gift = 10 * levelgift
var/maxhp_gift = 20 * levelgift
var/maxmp_gift = 10 * levelgift
var/fullcust_gift = 10 * levelgift
var/expn_gift = 150 * levelgift
M.Strength += str_gift
M.MaxHP += maxhp_gift
M.MaxMP += maxmp_gift
M.FullCustom += fullcust_gift
M,ExpNeed += expn_gift
M.Level += levelgift
M.HP = M.MaxHP
M.MP = M.MaxMP
M.Custom = M.FullCustom
Problem description: ,: expected } location of top-most unmatched {
247 : M,ExpNeed += expn_gift
236 : set category = "GM"
whats wrong with this?
![]() Dec 2 2005, 4:34 am
![]() Dec 2 2005, 5:52 am
Pharaoh Atem wrote:
You should make it as null|num, then check if the person who used the verb entered something. Why are you defining variable for everything you're only using once? If you're only using them once, delete all that variable nonsense and move the forumla to where it actually is added to the statistic variables.