I just started trying to make a game on BYOND by learning the basics. But I cant even get my character to appear! He's on the map, because if I press the directions around n hit attack, it says "you hit monster for 7 damage!" Why can't I see my character? Do I have to add the character onto the map? I made an icon for my char, a blue stick figure. someone plz help me!

Here's all my mob code:

icon = 'person.dmi' //all mobs will be person.dmi
HP = 30 //new var HP is 30

Login() //mob procs must be capitalized!
icon_state = gender //when a player logs in, make their icon's state
..() //the gender of their key

bug //new prototype
icon = 'bug.dmi'
DeathCheck() //checks if the attack was deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //show death msg

What am I doing wrong?
1> Make sure to put your code in the

tags(so it is always easy to read on the forums). In the Login() you are setting the icon_state to gender. You are not even setting the sources gender variable. Make sure that to set gender to an applicable icon_state. It is trying to show an icon state that probably does not exist.
In response to Soccerguy13
Soccerguy13 wrote:
You are not even setting the sources gender variable.

That would be because player mobs already have a gender equal to that of their client's key's gender.

Make sure that to set gender to an applicable icon_state. It is trying to show an icon state that probably does not exist.

This is a valid point. You should have icon states for each of the following:
  • "neuter"
  • "male"
  • "female"
  • "plural"

As for something from the original post,
    Login() //mob procs must be capitalized!
icon_state = gender //when a player logs in, make their icon's state
..() //the gender of their key

The part where it says "//the gender of their key" doesn't correctly describe what the ..() procedure is doing. Login() is a built-in proc and, as probably at least 98% of all built-in procs do, it has coding that would normally need to be run built in with it. Using the ..() procedure allows you to carry out all of the built-in commands of mob/Login().

The part where it says "mob procs must be capitalized!" only applies to built-in procs. Procs that you define yourself for mobs can be capitalized in whatever manner suits you.

On another note, in relation to the first post, be sure you are setting world/mob to /mob/person , so that the world knows that by default, your mob should be of the person type.
mob = /mob/person // Set default mob to /mob/person

Now you specifically mentioned that the error occurs after you attack. I think it would be appropriate then to post your attack procedure so that we could examine it and root out all possibly deadly flaws for you.

Cyvyr-X wrote:
I just started trying to make a game on BYOND by learning the basics. But I cant even get my character to appear! He's on the map, because if I press the directions around n hit attack, it says "you hit monster for 7 damage!" Why can't I see my character? Do I have to add the character onto the map? I made an icon for my char, a blue stick figure. someone plz help me!

Well, you're on the right track but you specified it as "mob/Login()" wich will apply to all mobs, players and non. simply the icon state for the npc has been nulled because it has no icon state for neuter. Try this...

icon = 'person.dmi' //all mobs will be person.dmi
HP = 30 //new var HP is 30

icon_state = gender //when a player logs in, make their icon's state

bug //new prototype
icon = 'bug.dmi'
DeathCheck() //checks if the attack was deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //show death msg
In response to Hiead
Thanks for all the help!

As for the attack code, there is supposed to be a problem. the tutorial wants me to find and fix.

Again, thank you very much for all of the help!
In response to Cyvyr-X
icon = 'person.dmi' //all mobs will be person.dmi

HP = 30 //new var HP is 30

Login() //mob procs must be capitalized!
icon_state = gender //changes from forum
bug //new prototype
icon = 'bug.dmi'
DeathCheck() //checks if the attack was deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //show death msg

attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) //attack mob within 1 tile of you
usr << "You attack [M]!" //sends message to usr
oview() << "[usr] attacks [M]!" //tells everyone else you attacked [M]
var/damage = rand(1,10) //assign a random # to a new var
world << "[damage] damage!" //tells damage to the world
M.HP -= damage
M.DeathCheck() //uses the proc to chekc for death in the mob

say(msg as text)
world << "[usr]: [msg]" //usr's words in msg. usr name in usr

icon = 'grass.dmi' //grass will hav the icon grass.dmi

turf = /turf/grass

That is all my code. A character is still not appearing. I have no idea knowing what's going wrong... This is the first attempt to even try to lean to code games on BYOND.

Please help...
In response to Cheetoz
Cheetoz wrote:

Well, you're on the right track but you specified it as "mob/Login()" wich will apply to all mobs, players and non.

Actually, mob/Login() is only called when a client connects to a mob, or "logs in." New() is the proc that both player and non-player mobs call when they are created.

In response to Cyvyr-X
Cyvyr-X wrote:
> /mob/person

What's that? I think you're going for
mob = /mob/person

Which would go down at the bottom with your world/turf setting.

In response to Hiead
icon = 'person.dmi' //all mobs will be person.dmi

HP = 30 //new var HP is 30

Login() //all already input procs must be capitalized!
icon_state = "male" //changes from forum
bug //new prototype
icon = 'bug.dmi'
DeathCheck() //checks if the attack was deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //show death msg

attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) //attack mob within 1 tile of you
usr << "You attack [M]!" //sends message to usr
oview() << "[usr] attacks [M]!" //tells everyone else you attacked [M]
var/damage = rand(1,10) //assign a random # to a new var
world << "[damage] damage!" //tells damage to the world
M.HP -= damage
M.DeathCheck() //uses the proc to chekc for death in the mob

say(msg as text)
world << "[usr]: [msg]" //usr's words in msg. usr name in usr

icon = 'grass.dmi' //grass will hav the icon grass.dmi

turf = /turf/grass
In response to Cyvyr-X
Cyvyr-X wrote:
> world
> turf = /turf/grass
> /mob/person

No, no, no, no, [etc.]

turf = /turf/grass
mob = /mob/person

In addition,
icon = 'person.dmi' //all mobs will be person.dmi

HP = 30 //new var HP is 30

Login() //all already input procs must be capitalized!
icon_state = "male" //changes from forum

Change that to
icon = 'person.dmi' //all mobs will be person.dmi
icon_state = "male"
HP = 30 //new var HP is 30

In response to Hiead
icon = 'person.dmi' //all mobs will be person.dmi

HP = 30 //new var HP is 30

bug //new prototype
icon = 'bug.dmi'
DeathCheck() //checks if the attack was deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //show death msg

attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) //attack mob within 1 tile of you
usr << "You attack [M]!" //sends message to usr
oview() << "[usr] attacks [M]!" //tells everyone else you attacked [M]
var/damage = rand(1,10) //assign a random # to a new var
world << "[damage] damage!" //tells damage to the world
M.HP -= damage
M.DeathCheck() //uses the proc to chekc for death in the mob

say(msg as text)
world << "[usr]: [msg]" //usr's words in msg. usr name in usr

icon = 'grass.dmi' //grass will hav the icon grass.dmi

turf = /turf/grass
mob = /mob/person
In response to Cyvyr-X
Cyvyr-X wrote:
> person
> icon = 'person.dmi' //all mobs will be person.dmi

I specifically recall changing that to:
icon = 'person.dmi'
icon_state = "male"

> world
> turf = /turf/grass
> mob = /mob/person

I sense an indentation error. Try pressing Ctrl + t in the .dm window, and it will show you where your tabs are. Remember, you shouldn't have any spaces in your indent.
