if (!usr.AFK)
world << "\yellow <font face=Comic Sans MS> [usr] is now AFK! </font>"
usr.suffix = "AFK"
usr.AFK = 1
world << "\yellow <font face=Comic Sans MS> [usr] has returned! </font>"
usr.suffix = "Online"
usr.AFK = 0

Problem description: i get this error and i see nothing wrong expression

Um...Don't think your stuff is supposed to be so far away from AFk and the last usr should be aligned with the others..Otherwise, idk what else is wrong..If thats not another way of using html, I suggest you change it to :
"<font color=yellow face=nameofface></font>"
SummonerHater And Dest Games wrote:
> AFK()
> if (!usr.AFK)
> world << "\yellow <font face=Comic Sans MS> [usr] is now AFK! </font>"
> usr.suffix = "AFK"
> usr.AFK = 1
> else
> world << "\yellow <font face=Comic Sans MS> [usr] has returned! </font>"
> usr.suffix = "Online"
> usr.AFK = 0

If you would provide the error report then it would be easy to figure out. But...there is an indentation error on the last usr; it has an extra space.

I don't even think you should be using usr, instead src would likely be better.

It makes no sense to use \yellow when you're going to have a font tag after it; just add in the color attribute to the font tag and choose a color.
