![]() Aug 1 2005, 1:14 pm
In response to Artekia
Artekia, stop posting in this thread, you don't know what you're talking about.
<Editted out> I've tried reasoning with you, but you don't get it. If you aren't going to listen to logic then don't ask for help.
Sorry for insulting you, not in a good mood, but still, don't call me a moron for trying to help with good advice. |
Justin Knight wrote:
People, people this is an OBJ proc. src is the object! usr is the person! If I used src then it would look like this: "Pistol has hit John Doe with the pistol!" Try it my way. I'm pretter sure that the src is whoever calls the proc, not what the proc belongs to. |
Dude, trust me, i've played this game many times. src is the object, not the person using the object. Usr is the person using the object.
Please, stop fighting about a the [expletive deleted] usr var. It's only used in text and has nothing to do with the TOPIC OF THIS THREAD "different accuracies at different ranges" I was having problems using the pistol at range, it wasn't working at all, it was only working at one tile distance. |
Justin Knight wrote:
Dude, trust me, i've played this game many times. src is the object, not the person using the object. Usr is the person using the object. Well, do something like this then: In the verb where you call the proc, so something like mob/verb/shoot() Then: obj/pistol then use M instead of usr. Of course, you'll ahve to make some minor adjustments, but that way is better than using usr. |
James's advice should probably work. I wasn't sure how you were calling it. Usr is unstable and you shouldn't rely on it.
I'm sorry for my aggressiveness, but don't attack people for helping you. It doesn't make you look very good. |
It obviously has to do with how it is called.
mob/DblClick() Is the problem, I need to somehow make an exception for pistols so that it actually works. |
That doesn't really matter. Usr may work in this case, but it can easily go wrong on you. It's just not safe to use in a proc where it's not meant to be. As I've said, it's not stable and can change.
Artekia, now you REALLY have NO IDEA what you're talking about. THAT IS the problem. SHUT UP ABOUT USR, I HAVE READ THAT IT IS UNSTABLE ABOUT 7 TIMES. You obviously just like rambling on about what you know and think that anything I say is wrong.
...I tried saying sorry... but I'm kind of regretting it. I try to be semi-nice, and this is what I get. I'm sorry, I'll stop posting. I'm sorry for trying to give you advice. I may have repeated it a few times, but it never seemed to enter your head. I've tried helping you fix up your code, as it is full of bad practices, but no. You just can't take it. You can't take anyone standing to try to make you actually do something the right way.
Justin Knight wrote:
Artekia, now you REALLY have NO IDEA what you're talking about. THAT IS the problem. SHUT UP ABOUT USR, I HAVE READ THAT IT IS UNSTABLE ABOUT 7 TIMES. You obviously just like rambling on about what you know and think that anything I say is wrong. Actually, Artekia is right, which means that YOU have no idea what YOU'RE talking about. If it is obvious that something is wrong and you've been given a way to fix it, why do you insist on arguing? |
Becuase you guys insist on complaining about that usr is unstable, when that wasn't my problem at all. The unstableness of usr is meant to be used. In the game you can change your name to an RP name, so it uses the RP name instead of the BYOND key. Okay? Instead of "SuperGokuXX7 hits Joe Dirt" it is " Dennis Washington hit John Boeing"
The problem wasn't that obvious, you guys pointed it out in the midst of all your unrelated blabbing, and I thank you for that. If i'm not mistaken I have to make an exception for the pistol so it can be used. Any ideas for that? Other than the idea that i'm a complete asshole? I apologize for that, although you guys were talking about unrelated subjects. |
Usr is supposed to be used in procs such as Click(), DblClick(), and things of the sort. Also, there are ways to do that without using usr, such as ref.name and stuff.
Then why the hell are you using args and usr? You should only use one, specficially the arg so you can call it in other places.