if(usr.key in list)
usr<<"you are allowed!"
world << "[usr] Logs in."
usr << sound('7fiveyears.mid')
del usr
Problem description:Im trying to make it so that only people i list can play the game, and all others are given a message then booted. When I compile this there is 1 error, and 1 warning. The error is inconsistent indentation and when i dbl clk the msg it highlight else. The warning states the the else clause is empty. Can someone please help me.
Jul 25 2005, 3:21 pm
In response to Jp
var/list/betatester=list("TheoXCMP") if(usr.key in betatester) usr<<"You are allowed" usr.loc=locate(7,7,5) world<<"[usr] logs in" usr << sound('7fiveyears.mid') else usr<<"Bai!" del(usr) ..() You were telling it to look in list, rather then betatester, which is what you defined it as |
2 - Don't use usr in Login(), it isn't safe. Use src instead.
3 - The if and all code following it should be unindented one tab.
4 - The if check should be
5 - The ...() at the end of the code should be ..(). ...() doesn't exist, I'm afraid.
6 - I suggest you read the BYOND guide, here: That will help you learn to program in DM.