Code:When I try to test my game i get a blank map and i dont know why
icon = 'player.dmi'
icon_state = "DarkZ"

loc = locate(2,2,1)

Problem description:like i said when u go try to log in all u get is black screen but u see all ur verbs this has happend with all my login systems i used i had one were only my key saw the map for some reson and others cant but this one just shows a blank map

Are you sure you putted the coordinats in right?

In response to O-matic
ya i put the coordinates right cause i only have this 1 area i dont have multi areas were u click the little left arrow right arrow
In response to Ryuto_Entertainment
hmm well try


I think that'll work

If that doesn't work try:


In response to O-matic
And if none of those work (which they won't), I'l l ask this question: "Are you trying to find the first unopen area? Or what?"
In response to Hell Ramen
And if none of those work (which they won't), I'l l ask this question: "Are you trying to find the first unopen area? Or what?"

what do u mean by an unopen area im just trying to get help on whats buged about the code i posted
In response to Ryuto_Entertainment
Your code should work, unless you have overwritten Move() or anything similar.
In response to Hell Ramen
i havent over writen move or nothing ive tried makeing my start sevral diffrent ways ive did it with loc = locate(2,2,1) and ive did it with an icon start turf and both ways ive been unsecful in it working
Maybe you should put the loc = locate(whatever) bit after the ..().
the problem is your sending the user absolutely no where...

Code: do not copy this i just spaced it may not work right in dream maker...

src.loc = locate(2,2,1)//notice the src here

Well, as you can see I added src.loc where you had just "loc". You must assign the source that is calling the Login() procedure to the location. Otherwise(since DM does not read the minds of all those who use it) your sending nothing to that location whenever nothing logs in.


In response to Hell Ramen
No. It shouldn't he sent nothing to that location. Just put the src.loc and it should work... because loc itself is an empty variable defining the location of an obj or mob or whatever else.
In response to Jp
The ..() really doesn't matter that much in the scheme of things here... Also I really wouldn't post unless you are sure of what you are talking about. Not to be mean, but it just causes more confusion.

In response to Niran
And you had the nerve to tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about.

If you don't stick something out the front to tell DM what the variable is coming from, it assumes src. Try it:

src << "Jp pwns joo, [name]"
In response to Jp
Well, no it does not. I stand corrected. That post was not just for you, but thanks for the information anyway. Also that is not always the best route to go as well. It may start looking nasty when you have to assign different proc's to different mobs. Thanks :)

In response to Niran
'Tis alright. I'm not quite sure why the program is screwing up anyway. I'm not quite sure of the default behaviour of login(). Is the mob created in mob.Login(), or is it created before then?
In response to Ryuto_Entertainment
loc = locate(2,2,1)
src.sight = 1

well try that I think you've putted sight=0 somewere. I'm not sure I'm just guessing.
but maybe it'll work.

In response to O-matic
i just remade the game and it works noe but thanks for all yalls help

Ryuto_Entertainment Staff