icon_state = "Mayor"
npc = 1
Click(msg as text)
set src in oview(1)
if(usr.zenni >= 15000)
usr.title = "[msg]"
usr.zenni -= 15000
if(usr.zenni <= 14999)
usr << "<b><font color= Lime>You cannot give yourself a title until you have 15,000 zenni!"
Problem description:
Here's what is the probelm, when clcik on him the etxt screen wouldn't apper for me to typ in my title ?
What is wrong with this ?
Well, mainly the fact that Click() doesn't work that way. If you want a box asking for a title, use input().
And unless you want some serious spam problems from rogue users, I strongly recommend using html_encode() around whatever message a user sets.
Also you should replace the if(usr.zenni<=14999) line, which is bogus, with else.
Lummox JR