This week actually turned out a little worse than last week for me, so development is still limping a bit and so am I. Right now I'm still in a holding pattern.

Since it'd been a while since the last 513 maintenance release, I decided to go ahead and put out 513.1533 which has a couple of minor fixes, and one possibly very important fix for Linux servers that hasn't been documented in the release notes because it's unconfirmed.

Most of my work this week has been on 514's expanded support for embedded wingets in commands, like the new mouse macro support, so that the new "as" clause for better control over formatting could be applied to a lot more macros and situations. I still need to document that stuff and do some testing, but the guts are in place. Testing is one of the more difficult things to do right now.

I also did some work on some of the backend skin structures, trying to shore up a number of things I felt were iffy. Some of that went well and I think improved code quality, but some of it backfired and caused more trouble than it was worth, so I had to rip some of those changes right back out.

Yesterday I also had a new idea about shadowcasting, which is an idea that's been driving me crazy because it feels like it should be solvable. If my new thought pans out, by which I mean I'm gonna have to think it through to look for weaknesses, then maybe it's something I can chuck into a future release. Not 514, though.

Thanks everyone who supported BYOND in September through your Memberships and donations! I'm still working steadily to move things forward, and hope to be back to full speed as soon as possible.

Watch out for stray bags of candy throwing themselves into your shopping cart while you're at the store: they're sneaky.
Attack of the stray bags of candy!